Coach Celia分享
感恩7年前透過當時教畫班的同事Rachel 分享💝 營養早餐,改善了大半年「間缺性缺的狀況」(鐵質指數未能如常達標過持恆捐血助人的目標)。
7 years ago, thanks my ex-colleague Rachel (my health Coach) shared💝 nutrition breakfast , it improved my "iron deficiency anaemia” health issue
( since 16 years old started for blood donation, at that time my iron index failed to meet the goal of constant blood donation for helping people ).
茹素3年多仍能保持身體免疫力👍🏻無藥的血,一年捐3次幫助9個人, 7年共63人,甚至成為健康教練,生命影響生命,客戶中有3位也改善健康後開始捐血😍。
Being a vegetarian 4 years proud of never take medicine blood 👍🏻 keep regular blood donation 3 times per year till now. Life affects life. Recently 3 of the customers also improved their health and began to donate blood😍 for helping people.
😉 Regular shake breakfast & post exercise sports nutrition supplements, 💪🏻 maintains more than 70% fat-relieving muscles, lose waist 4 inches. I feel more energetic even nearly 48-year-old, the level of muscle endurance and exercise performance increase😊.
2017, self-challenge & finished BASI Pilates Instructor Course , through my training process strengthening my core muscle powder and adjust my daily wrong posture, my O-shaped shine and my right side low back mild scoliosis
Now share more on 8020 eating & exercise apply Pilates concept for anti-aging with nice shaped body😉
Encourage every ,😍👍🏻, persistent to develop a smart diet, healthy eating habits, is a gift for loved ones, family members & friends , even your neighbors an opportunity to become healthier & happier💝